Book Of The Month!

Wednesday 5 October 2011

Book Of The Month

Okay readers, I'm introducing a new thing on my blog called the book of the month! Notice the random pictures I put at the bottom of the blog? Well every month I will  put a picture of ''the book of the month'' there and the book will get a special review if not reviewed already and will get honorable mention somewhere in this blog! I'll include more stuff later! Vote in the poll!

Tip #2: Introduction to Intros!

Hey fellow readers/bloggers! Sorry I'm past my original date but I had some internet issues! Ugh nothing is more annoying than clicking the Firefox button then having to settle for Google Chrome (I have my settings on firefox set so no one can see my history but I can't enable that on Google Chrome).

Anyways today I am writing another tip. Now, if you're like me, chances are you've had that rough paragraph you need to write for school or work and you just can't come up with a good introduction! I actually find that introductions are harder than conclusions to write though some may beg to differ.

I remember that once when I was younger, about grade five, we were writing paragraphs on safari animals. I was having much difficulty writing an intro to the paragraph and ended up writing a very...controlling intro. All I remember was ordering the reader to continue on reading! But fortunately, I ended up coming up with a better introduction and the project went swimmingly!

Eventually, with time, I got better at writing introduction and now I have gotten to the point where I an actually write compelling introduction that lures the readers in. I do admit though that I still do get to that point where I can't figure out to write one for the life of me but following these tips, it can speed up the process of writing one.

1. Use the classic topic technique. Did your school teachers ever tell you that when you're writing a introduction paragraph that you should always list what you're going to be talking about? Well if they did, they were write. That my friends is the recipe to a paragraph.Now using the topic technique, you are introducing what the theme of your paragraph is and what your categories regarding the theme is but sometimes, it tends to look  like a list. But you can spice that up easily to make your introduction just that much better! Example, look at the differences between these two introduction paragraphs regarding "Cinderella".

Cinderella is a classic fairytale featuring the female protagonist, Cinderella living in a true nightmare. This paragraph will be discussing the plot, characters, and a true happy ending.

Cinderella is a classic fairytale featuring the female protagonist, Cinderella living in a true nightmare. Cinderella features a truly rich plot which any age group can enjoy. It also features unique characters and is a great example stating that happy endings do happen

Did you see what I did there? In the first example, I just listed my three categories, while in the second, I added them along with a little more detail to make it seem less like a list.

2. Use adjectives! These little describing words are considered gems in the writing world and just adding in a few can make your introduction more compelling and less like a list. Again, look at the differences between these two introduction paragraphs to Cinderella.

Cinderella is a classic fairytale featuring the female protagonist, Cinderella living in a true nightmare. This paragraph will be discussing the plot, characters, and a true happy ending.

Cinderella is a classic fairytale featuring the female protagonist, Cinderella living in a true nightmare. Cinderella features a truly rich plot which any age group can enjoy. It also features unique characters and is a great example stating that happy endings do happen

See how the the first paragraph has merely three adjectives where the second one uses more adjectives which describe the categories better and gives the reader a better idea of what they're reading.

3. Lastly, my best advice for you yet is to try and catch yourself from creating predictable intro sentences to the introduction paragraphs. Try your best to compel the reader because it's that sentence that can make a huge difference. Here's an example for you using a fictional story introduction.

Lisa Mars was your average teenage girl living a totally normal life until the presence of a mysterious man came into her life.

The mysterious man was on the mind of Lisa Mars every second of her seemingly normal life.

Well readers, that is all I have to say today, till next time! Live life and prosper!

Saturday 24 September 2011

Review For Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Hi everyone :) well today I thought I'd do another review. Now why out of the blue like this? Well yesterday I was bored out of my mind in math class while some kids were doing questions up on the board so being a MLIAer, I decided to write "the chamber of secrets has been opened. Enemies of the heir beware" on my desk. That' when I realized that I never continued with my Harry Potter reviews! So here it is.

I quite enjoyed The Chamber Of Secrets actually. I enjoyed being introduced to the new additions to the story like Ginny and Dobby, both two crucial characters in the story. I did however think that all of the plots were a little...everywhere. It seemed that between the dobby plot and the chamber of secrets plot she already had a full story and the extra stuff was well just extra. I still loved the book though and I give it *** (3/5).

 Well that's all  for today folks.  What's coming up next you might ask? Well I believe that I will be introducing my new book character (the lead) and I have another tip coming up for you on Sunday! See you then :)

Tuesday 20 September 2011

Hey everyone!

Hey everyone! Why not vote in the pole? I'm fairly certain you don't need an account to plus it's free! You should always do things that are free unless it's drugs or alcohol because it makes people happy including me because it gives me your input on the blog and it shows me that some people ARE actually reading this so go ahead and do it, I promise you it won't make your life bad or anything just do it! If you do then you get a virtual cookie! Virtual cookies for all my readers!!!!!!!

Sunday 18 September 2011

Secrets Shouldn't Be Kept, New Story Coming To A Website Near You!!!!

Hi everyone! Long time no post eh? Well everyone as a blooming soon to be world famous author such as J.K Rowling and Stephanie Meyer, I have been busy writing :) Honestly, I've been writing for my life!  Well not as in a death or life situation or any chiz like that, I mean like writing as life. Yes I am currently working on about four things, all in different forms. I have one story online out in the open but no one I know I think has read it (how pathetic is that!? An aspiring author too afraid of people knowing it's her writing!), one on my Google Docs account, another hand written which will hopefully also be online eventually and another soon to be begun! Speaking of that one particular story, this is what this post is about! Yes everyone who reads this (what like 16 people? I love you readers!)  I  am taking a step forward in my writing career! This time I am going to advertise the story to people I know so I can get over the fear of people knowing it's my writing. The story will be called Secrets Shouldn't Be Kept unless that name is already taken. Hopefully soon, I shall put the story up online on a writing website. I will most likely put the story up on Fiction Press or Inkpop (if I figure out how to work the darn website) but I am considering making a second blog just for the story or it's own website which will feature every new project as well. As for the future of this blog, I will keep posting reviews and tips and after my story is online, I will post spoilers and lines from the story I'm writing on here to reel you guys into it ;) and even though the chances are slim, I might post the story on here but I don't want this blog to be focused on too many different things, but you never know I tend to change my mind a lot. Well everyone, this is the end of this post, so have a nice day and don't drink and drive!

Saturday 9 April 2011

Boredom got ya down?

Bored? I know I am! So you know what I did? I searched or googled as you young people call it (haha I'm a young person) "What to do when you're sick" and I got a seriously funny list from Winged Werpires another blogger. So let me share a link with you.... Just copy and paste that (in another tab, how dare you think you can leave my page!) and read away. Let's list some of my faves
1. Go up to Harry Potter and poke him and whisper you're a dementor and see if he does a patronus against you
2. Bye some water of ebay (is that still on there? Maybe that was in my head)
haha so wasn't that fun? Now keep reading buds got some more tips a coming :) chow babeh 

Wednesday 6 April 2011

The Outsiders (Non review)

Oh my freaking gosh guys I read The Outsiders and now I'm sad :(. But you know what the worst part is? I'm basically only sad because of what happened to poor little Sodapop. Poor Soda got cheated on. It also made me very sad when Johnny died and then Dallas ran out. That part actually did make me cry! It sucks because Soda was my fave character and he got cheated on by the girl he loved, then Johnny was my second and he died, then it was Dallas and he died in an even sadder way in my opinion and then Two-Bit. Nothing happened to that guy cause he's just too lovable and funny to have people do that. Okay so this wasn't a review I've just not updated very much lately so I just felt like sharing :)